An Tir Roll of Arms

News and Updates Page

A page to collect the various updates to the Roll of Arms.

December 2024 LoAR

Posted by Adrian on 2025-02-21

I added 12 entries to the roll. One device change and one name and device change and 4 updated blazons were also made. Adrian Hawkins

November 2024 LoAR

Posted by Adrian on 2025-01-15

Added 2 new devices and updated the blazon on 4 more. We have also added 3 devices from people moving to the area and Danescombe's populace badge has been added. Adrian

October LoAR

Posted by Adrian on 2024-12-11

4 new devices were added. 1 device changed and one blazon updated.

September 2024 LoAR

Posted by Adrian on 2024-10-28

3 new devices were added. 2 devices updated, one name change, and one Exchange of primary name and device for a secondary name and badge.

August LoAR

Posted by Adrian on 2024-10-10

9 new entries this month as well as one changed device and an updated blazon. In Service Adrian

July 2024 LoAR

Posted by Adrian on 2024-09-09

3 devices added and a name changed.

June LoAR

Posted by Adrian on 2024-08-23

10 new devices were added to the Roll and one blazon updated in the June 2024 LoAR. The Browse by Branch and Browse History pages were updated. Also I have made an update too the database to support more non-latin characters. I will go through the Roll and see what names can now be updated to use their proper characters. In Service Adrian

April and May LoAR

Posted by Adrian on 2024-07-11

The Roll is updated with the April and May LoARs. For April we added 4 entries. For May we updated one name, one name and device, and added 8 entries. I am continuing to work on cleaning up the site. If anyone notices any issues please let me know.

March 2023 LoAR added

Posted by Adrian on 2024-05-10

This months letter included 6 new devices and 6 reblazons. I am working on cleaning up the website and will be making an update to the Browse by Branch page. If anyone sees any problems please email. In Service

February 2024 LoAR added

Posted by Adrian on 2024-04-22

This month the LoAR added 9 new devices and we had 3 reblazons. We also added 2 devices for individual requests. I am also working on cleaning up the website. If anyone notices any issues please let me know. In Service

Januarly 2024 LoAR has been added

Posted by Adrian on 2024-03-25

This month we added 6 new entries. There were 4 changed devices, 2 name changes, and 2 reblazons. In Service

December 2023 LoAR added to the Roll

Posted by Adrian on 2024-02-13

7 new devices added from the December LoAR. 2 devices were updated and 2 names updated. 3 new devices were added in the last month from individual requests.

November 2023 LoAR added to the Roll

Posted by Adrian on 2024-01-04

We had 2 new devices in the LoAR to be added as well as 2 individual requests.

September LoAR Added

Posted by Adrian on 2023-11-20

2 new devices added to the Roll for September.

August LoAR added

Posted by Adrian on 2023-10-09

3 new names and devices were added for August.

July LoAR added

Posted by Adrian on 2023-09-19

The July LoAR has been added to the Roll. There were 12 new entries, 1 device change, and 2 name changes. One individual request was also added. The June LoAR had no additions for An Tir.

April and May LoAR Added

Posted by Adrian on 2023-07-27

April's LoAr had 16 devices added to the Roll, May's had 13. I also was able to catch up on individual requests, adding 9 that were pending. In Service

February and March LoAR Added

Posted by Adrian on 2023-07-06

The Browse by Award and all other functions have been restored to the Roll of Arms. February and March LoARs have been added to the roll. February had 8 new entries and March had 4.

Browse by Awards Issues

Posted by Adrian on 2023-06-27

There is currently an issue with the Browse the Roll by Award feature. It is also impacting the ability for new entries to be uploaded. It is currently being worked on.

January 2023 LoAR Added

Posted by Adrian on 2023-03-13

The January 2023 LoAR was added to the Rolls on March 3rd There were 2 new devices.

December 2022 LoAR Added

Posted by Adrian Hawkins on 2023-02-08

Thank you to Vémundr Syvursson for years of service to this office. He has retired and I have taken the job.

The December 2022 LoAR has was added Wednesday, February 8th. There were 3 new devices.

We have also entered most of the backlog from people that have moved here. The rest should be done by the end of the month.

In heraldic service,
Adrian Couronne Rouge

August, September, October, and November 2022 Letters Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2023-01-14

It has been a weekend of massive catching-up here on the Roll of Arms.

The August LoAR was actually added back in early December and I missed adding a note here. There were seven new devices and no other changes.

The September 2022 LoAR went up Saturday January 14 and contained five new devices and no other changes.

The October 2022 LoAR went up Sunday January 15 and contained ten new devices, one device change, and two name changes. A busy Letter!

The November 2022 LoAR also went up Sunday January 15 and contained three new devices and one name change.

There are also a number of folk who have moved here from outside of An Tir awaiting addition to the Roll; those entries are being organized and will likely appear all at once.

For anyone waiting for their Roll entry to appear, thank you for your patience. Last fall and the holiday season was busy and rough for real-life reasons and the Roll work has been slower than I would have liked.

In heraldic service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

July 2022 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2022-09-20

The An Tir items from the July 2022 Letter of Acceptances & Returns, published Sept 7, have been added to the Roll. There were two new registrations and four name changes, and in addition to LoAR items, there have been two new entries added for gentles moving here from other Kingdoms. Finally, we had one person request their arms be re-emblazoned to use different style of bow on the image that better suits their persona.

A fairly ordinary month, these days, although I always hope for more action to give me more excuses to commit heraldry.

In heraldic service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

May & June 2022 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2022-08-12

Apparently I didn't post my usual update last month when the May 2022 Letter was processed, and didn't notice until I ran through the June Letter of Acceptances & Returns which I have just processed today!

The May Letter had seven new items, including one that I'd assisted with at the pre-submission stage, so it's always fun to see items I've been involved in come back to the Roll!

The June Letter had a single new item for the Roll.

There have also been half a dozen new entries from folks who've moved to An Tir from out of Kingdom. If you've moved here from another Kingdom or know someone who has, please get in touch and we'll get you added to An Tir's Roll of Arms & Order of Precedence lists.

In heraldic service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

April 2022 LoAR Added - and June is Pride Month!

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2022-06-04

The April 2022 Letter was published on May 30th, and contained two new devices for the Roll, as well as two changes to existing Roll entries.

June is Pride Month, as well, and I took the time to update the background behind the Kingdom populace badge at the top of the Roll's homepage to the Progress Pride flag as a background.

As the artist, I grant permission for non-commercial re-use of these two graphics. Click on either to get the full size version to save and re-use.
(Fieldless) A lion's head erased contourney sable, on a pride background (Fieldless) A lion's head erased contourney sable, on a progress pride background

In addition, I've updated the ZIP file full of Kingdom and Principality heraldry and badges that I made avaiable about two years ago. You can download the whole ZIP file here; the contents are:

  • A README text file
  • An Tir Kingdom arms in two styles
  • An Tir populace badges in two styles
  • An Tir's fieldless populace badges with both pride and progress pride backgrounds
  • Principality of the Summits arms
  • Summits populace badge
  • Summits populace badge on both pride and progress pride backgrounds
  • Principality of Tir Righ arms
  • Tir Righ populace badge
All art is in both SVG and 500px wide PNG formats.

In heraldic service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

March 2022 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2022-05-07

The three new items from the March 2022 Letter of Acceptances & Returns, which was published May 5th, have been added to the An Tir Roll of Arms.

There has been one update to an existing entry (a new, more correct emblazon was requested) and several individual additions of people who have moved here from other Kingdoms, as well.

In personal news, I was recently granted a Goutte de Sang, my first Grant of Arms level award, by Their Majesties An Tir in part for my work on this Roll. Thank you to anyone who sent my name in for consideration, and thanks also to King Sven and Queen Rauokinn for granting me a most unexpected award!

In Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

February 2022 LoAR Added

Posted by Vemundr on 2022-04-13

All six new An Tir items from the February 2022 LoAR, published April 9th, are up on the Roll as of last night.

There have also been six additions from email, all relatively recent arrivals from the West Kingdom.

As always, please email me - couronnerouge AT antir DOT org - if you are a new arrival in An Tir and wish to be added to the Roll, or if you know of new arrivals who have names and devices registered before they moved here.

Tir Righ's Virtual Heraldic & Scribal Symposium at the beginning of April was a great success and a lot of fun. Thanks to all the planning and a fantastic event team I was even able to take in a couple of classes and discussion sessions while also being Event Steward! We had 22 classes, panels and discussions with 16 different instructors from at least eight different Kingdoms, and I think we had attendees from pretty much every Kingdom (even Drachenwald!) except maybe Lochac, for whom our time zones really don't work too well!

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

January 2022 LoAR, and Tir Righ Virtual Heraldic & Scribal

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2022-03-21

The January 2022 items for An Tir have been added to the Roll. No new entries, just one new registry being swapped for an old item. I also had a couple of people contact me, one to point out a couple of stray characters in names and one to replace their existing emblazon with a new one more to their liking.

Tir Righ Virtual Heraldic & Scribal Symposium

Tir Righ populace badge

The Principality of Tir Righ is hosting their virtual HSS via Zoom on Saturday April 2nd starting at 9 AM Pacific Daylight Time. The event website is here with more details including a preliminary list of classes and discussions. Lots of great sessions for heralds and scribes of all skill levels.

I'm Event Steward for this, my very first time running an event and of course I had to pick a Principality-level event with all sorts of complicated links between the Principality, the Tir Righ College of Heralds, and TUTR, The University of Tir Righ. It should be a fantastic event, though - hope to see you on the 2nd.

In heraldic service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

December 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2022-02-20

The December 2021 items for An Tir have been added to the Roll.

Only two new items on the Letter but three contacts to either add missing registrations or update existing ones, all somewhat delayed by real life.

There was also an update to the software this site runs on that resulted in a lot of accented or non-standard characters getting corrupted across the whole Roll. I think I've fixed all the issues but if you come across nonsense characters in someone's name or elsewhere please let me know and I'll fix it!

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

November 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2022-01-08

An Tir's items from the November 2021 Letter, published today 8 January 2021, have been added to the Roll of Arms.

This same day turnaround was possible because the Letter held a grand total of ONE new entry for the Roll of Arms! There was also a request for an update of an existing entry, with the art sent in by email and requiring minimal editing. Super easy month!

Hopefully things get a bit busier as 2022 rolls onward.

The Mid-Year Known World Heraldic & Scribal 2022 is coming up next weekend, January 14-16 2022 via Zoom. Details, schedule and class descriptions at the link. Pre-reg is required and closes Wednesday 1159 GMT, which is 1600 (4 PM) Wednesday afternoon Pacific Standard Time for most of An Tir. Lots of great sessions scheduled, it should be a really great event!

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

October 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-12-17

The An Tir items from the October 2021 Letter, released December 10 2021, have been added to the Roll.

Only three new items, and one correction pointed out to me by another Herald, for a fairly quiet month.

A reminder that Mid-Year Known World Heraldic & Scribal 2022 is happening January 14-16 2022 on Zoom, only a month away now! Should be a good weekend, lots of good heraldic and scribal classes, panels, and presentations to choose from.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

September 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-12-06

An Tir's items from the September 2021 Letter of Acceptances & Returns, released on 15 November 2021, have been added to the Roll of Arms.

A relatively slow month with five new entries, no updates to existing entries, and nothing sent to me by email.

The delay in uploads was due to our first local event since August happening this last weekend, the Barony of Seagirt's Winternights gathering! So nice to have an in-person event to look forward to, even if my local duties did cause my Kingdom duties to have to slip a bit. On a personal high point, Winternights saw Their Royal Highnesses Tir Righ give me a Silver Pillar, Tir Righ's Principality award for service!

Speaking of events, Mid-Year Known World Heraldic & Scribal 2022 is happening January 14-16 2022 over Zoom. Although it is hoped that the full KWHSS will be able to return to an in-person event in West Kingdom in summer 2022, the Society-wide College of Arms is also intending to keep the vKWHSS going. Already lots of interesting class proposals submitted for both heraldic and scribal, and it should be a great virtual event.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

August 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-10-17

The August 2021 Letter of Acceptances & Returns, published 14 October 2021, has been added to the Roll of Arms.

This Letter had most of An Tir's submissions that were done via the 1st Virtual Herald's Point back in February, so it was a busy one! Ten brand new entries, three updates to existing devices, and two name changes from the Letter, plus one new entry who has moved here from Caid to round out the month.

One registry this month that caught my eye was Eleanor de Bolton's Augmentation of Arms. An Augmentation is a very rarely given honour here in An Tir so it's a treat to see Her Grace's displayed here on the Roll.
Eleanor de Bolton's augmented arms

Her Grace's registered Augmentation of Arms is, as far as I can tell, only the fourth registered in An Tir and only the sixth displayed here on the An Tir Roll, four registered here in An Tir, and one each from Caid and the West (before An Tir was a Kingdom!). An Tir has awarded around thirty Augmentations of Arms, total, in our entire history as a Kingdom.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

July 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-09-14

The July 2021 Letter of Acceptances & Returns, published 13 September 2021, has been added to the Roll of Arms.

Super quiet month, with a grand total of one new name & device entry and one name change.

Hopefully next month is more exciting!

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

June 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-08-14

The June 2021 Letter of Acceptances & Returns, published 10 August 2021, has been added to the Roll of Arms.

Three new entries this month, and several updates to existing blazons as part of a huge update of the heraldic definitions of "proper" that also happened on this Letter.

As always, two of these three new additions have no obvious matching OP entry. Please have a look at the newest missing OP entry list here and email me if you see yourself or friends that you know have OP entries.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

May 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-07-21

An incredibly busy month for the Roll of Arms! The May 2021 Letter of Acceptances & Returns had 19 entirely new devices to add, plus a change of arms, several name changes, four artistic updates to existing registrations, and one West Kingdom registry from 1980 (!) emailed to me to bring us up to a full 20 new entries.

The bulk of this activity was through the Principality of Tir Righ's College of Arms, which in December 2020 had one of their Heralds donate the fee for a full fifty items (names, devices, or badges) to encourage heraldic submissions from around the Principality.

As is often the case a number of these new Roll entries have no Kingdom OP entry that I (or the semi-automated system) were able to find. Have a look at the most recent Missing OP Entry page and if you know what name their OP entries are under please email me!

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge
Vemundr Syvursson, new badge

April 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-06-06

The April 2021 Letter of Acceptances & Returns, published on June 1st 2021, has been added to the Roll. Three new entries and one name change this month, so fairly quiet still. I also added three individuals with out-Kingdom registries who have since moved to An Tir.

At Closing Court during the recent Online Grand Ithra event, TRM An Tir announced the Shire of Caladphort has been raised from incipient to full Shire status, which was my cue to add their previously registered arms to the Roll!

Caladphort arms

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

March 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-05-08

The An Tir items from the March 2021 LoAR, released May 7th, have been added to the Roll.

Just two new items and one name change this month, very quiet by recent standards!

Two additional items from gentles who moved to An Tir from other Kingdoms, however. Please remember to email myself and our Order of Precedence Herald, Dexter Gauntlet, if you move here from outside of An Tir or a friend does, unless we are contacted they might never be added to our Roll and OP.

Yours in service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

February 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-04-15

The February 2021 LoAR, released April 11 2021, has been added to the Roll.

Six new devices and one replacement of an existing device.

Only one of our six new arrivals appears to have a corresponding Order of Precedence entry, though! Have a look at the most recent page of our Missing OP Connection page and drop me an email if you see anyone there you recognize, letting me know what name their awards and such are under over on our OP.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

January 2021 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-04-02

The January 2021 LoAR, released March 6 2021, has been added to the Roll.

Five new devices, two updates sent in for existing entries, and two new entries from people who've moved to An Tir from other Kingdoms.

As always, if you are aware of people who've moved to An Tir from other Kingdoms where they had registered names and devices, please get them to contact myself and Dexter Gauntlet, our Order of Precedence Herald, so we can add them to our Kingdom Roll & OP!

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

December 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-02-05

The final LoAR of 2020 has been added to the An Tir Roll; it was released 3 Feb 2021.

Five brand new devices, one replacement device, and one blazon correction on the Letter, and two out-of-Kingdom additions that were sent to me by email.

Mid-Year Known World Heraldic & Scribal Symposium, Bonus Plague Edition, was held on Zoom the weekend of Jan 22-24 and was a lot of fun and very well attended. I taught a version of my Inkscape for Heralds class to a great group of interested students. We also got word that the College of Arms will be making the virtual Mid-Year KWHSS a standard part of the calendar, even after the current Plague Time ends, which is awesome news for those of us who wouldn’t usually be able to travel to the in-person main event. My Inkscape class was recorded; when those recordings are posted I’ll share it on the next update here.

If you want to get a name, device, or badge registered, there is a Virtual Heralds Point that is taking submissions until Feb 14; the main advantage is that they have arranged payment via Paypal direct to the Laurel Exchequer, useful for the increasing number of folks without actual cheques available!

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

November 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2021-01-10

The November 2020 LoAR, released December 31st, has been added to the Roll.

Eleven new entries, three changes of device for existing entries, and a few blazon changes or other admin actions round out a very busy Letter!

Of the eleven new entries (the most in several months!) only ONE has a corresponding OP entry that I can find, however! Please have a look at the Browse By Missing OP Entry page and if you recognize a name or arms, contact me by email and I'll get the person linked to their OP entry right away. There's a lot of lovely armoury in this month's Letter, it's a pity to leave it orphaned.

Reminder that the Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium Bonus Plague Edition 2021 starts on Friday 22 January and goes all of that weekend. Lots of great classes, seminars, and such, all virtual, and spread around a bit so folks from other time zones have a better chance of attending.

Happy New Year, stay safe, stay well, and commit good heraldry.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

October 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-12-01

The October 2020 LoAR, released on November 30, has been added to the An Tir Roll of Arms.

Seven new entries and one name change this month.

There have also been a couple of updates to existing entries sent in to me, most noticeably a very nice digital emblazon of the arms of the Barony of Wyewood, sent to me by Wyewood's Blak Shepe Pursuivant, Avine de Hert and created by Dejah of Wyewood.
Wyewood arms

I am always happy to have updated emblazons of existing entries sent to me. Vector graphics in SVG or AI are best, but good sized PNG or JPG at least 275 pixels wide by 330 pixels tall will work too.

If you don't have digital art skills but would like the digital emblazon of your Roll entry updated, please email me anyway and ask, I'll be happy to help.

Known World Heraldic & Scribal Symposium Bonus Plague Edition 2021 is rapidly approaching, 22-24 January 2021. I'll be running a version of my Inkscape for Digital Heraldry class and there are already lots of great sessions on the schedule. Check it out, and hope to (virtually) see you there!

This is likely the final Roll update for 2020, so Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and whatever other occasions you celebrate around this time of many, many festivals and observances. Stay safe, stay well, and commit good heraldry.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

September 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-11-07

The September 2020 LoAR, released on November 6, has been added to the An Tir Roll of Arms.

Six new entries, one name change, and one device registered in 1996 that was never added to the Roll for some reason and got noticed for a blazon change so now exists on the Roll at long last.

Hope the fall is going well for everyone. Stay safe, stay sane, and keep doing heraldry!

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

August 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-10-13

The August 2020 LoAR, released on October 12, has been added to the An Tir Roll of Arms.

Nine new devices, one device replacement, and a pair of name changes have all been done, making this the largest update to the Roll in a while.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

July 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-09-23

The July 2020 LoAR, released on September 22, has been added to the An Tir Roll of Arms.

Seven new entries, one change of arms, and one out-of-Kingdom registry from a few years ago all added.

Please remember that if you or someone you know has moved to An Tir from another Kingdom and has a name and arms registered there, you're going to need to contact me to get them added to our Roll. See the FAQ and Contact links at the top of this page for details.

An Tir's Kingdom Heraldic & Scribal Symposium was on Saturday the 12th of September, held virtually, and was well attended. I taught a course on Electronic Emblazoning with Inkscape, an introduction to using Inkscape and vector graphics for heraldic devices and badges. I'm also going to be teaching the same class (more or less!) again in a few weeks on October 10th at the Kingdom of Meridies KHSS session. One definite upside to all this COVID-forced virtual eventing is that it's much easier to attend out-Kingdom events!

Hope all are well on this Solstice,

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

June 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-09-01

The June 2020 LoAR, released on August 26th, has been added to the An Tir Roll of Arms.

Just four items again this month; another fairly quiet month.

In entirely personal news, I was also busy getting married on August 26th when the LoAR dropped and just got back from a short but very nice honeymoon!

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

May 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-08-04

The May 2020 LoAR, published July 24, has had all An Tir entries added to the Roll.

Seven new devices and one Augmentation of Arms to an existing device; no other changes.

I have also updated most of the award badges (Chivalry, Laurel, Pelican, Goutte, and such) in use here on the Roll. Thanks to Lord Biorn Atlason for supplying the badges I needed in SVG form.

Hoping this finds everyone well in our ongoing time of pestilence and strangeness,

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

April 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-06-24

The April 2020 LoAR, released on June 14, has been added to the An Tir Roll of Arms.

Just four items this month, so a very quiet month by recent standards.

Hope all are well in this continuing time of pestilence and no in-person events.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

March 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-05-31

The March 2020 LoAR, released May 19th, has had all An Tir items added to the Roll.

Fourteen new devices and one device change on this Letter, so a fairly busy month for the Roll. Congratulations to all involved on getting their items passed!

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

Kingdom & Principality Populace Badges

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-05-09

I have recently added or upgraded the populace badges for the Kingdom of An Tir, the Principality of the Summits, and the Principality of Tir Righ that are used here on the Roll. There are fairly regular requests for various digital versions of these, so I've put them all in a ZIP file and hosted it here on the Roll. Updated 11 May with larger PNG files and the square An Tir badge.

An Tir Populace Badges - May 2020

The ZIP has PNG (1000px wide or better) and SVG versions of the following:

  • An Tir populace badge - old - round
  • An Tir populace badge - old - square
  • An Tir populace badge - new
  • An Tir populace ensign
  • Summits populace badge
  • Tir Righ populace badge
Tir Righ pop badge
If you find a problem or there's something else you'd like to see added, please send me an email!

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

February 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-04-18

The February 2020 LoAR, released April 14th, has had it's An Tir items added to the Roll.

Five new personal arms, one name change, and the Shire of Ramsgaard added the "for populace" association to their previously registered populace badge, which alerted me to add it to the Roll.

Ramsgaard populace badge

I did part of the emblazoning for this LoAR as a livestream through Office 365 Teams, with a couple of other An Tir heralds showing up for all or part of the session. I'll definitely do that again, and am putting together a more structured "Inkscape for Heraldic Emblazoning" class that I hope to offer in a few weeks. If that sounds interesting to you please email me - - and I'll alert you before the next livestream and/or class.

Hope everyone is well, safe, and staying sane in these strange times.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

January 2020 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-03-22

The An Tir items in the January 2020 Letter of Acceptances & Returns, released earlier today, have been added to the Roll.

Twelve new items, no other changes.

Take care of yourselves and each other in this strange time of pestilence abroad in the land, everyone.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

September 2017 LoAR Finished

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-03-09

No, that is not a typo in the title. For whatever reason none of the September 2017 An Tir registrations made it into the Roll, except a few individual ones done by request.

I've fixed that now, which among other things means the Barony of Vulcanfeldt has their Populace Badge showing up on the Roll at long last.
Vulcanfeldt arms

If you notice gaps in the Roll, please don't hesitate to contact me and ask me to investigate. We all do our best to make sure the Roll is as complete and accurate as possible but we are all human and mistakes and ommissions happen.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

December 2019 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-03-03

The new An Tir entries from the December 2019 Letter of Acceptances & Returns, released February 24 2020, have been added to the Roll.

Busy month for An Tir: fourteen new devices, two devices changes, one name change, and one blazon change.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

November 2019 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-02-03

The new An Tir entries from the November 2019 Letter of Acceptances & Returns, released January 24 2020, have been added to the Roll.

Eight new entries, no changes to existing arms, and no administrative changes.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

October 2019 LoAR Added - Seagirt Rises!

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-01-10

An Tir's new registrations and updates from the October 2019 LoAR (published January 1 2020) have been added to the Roll.

Two new devices and three changes to existing devices, including the Barony of Seagirt's new Baronial Arms with a splendid toothy whale! While Couronne Rouge is of course a Kingdom Heraldic Office, your current Couronne Rouge is also a resident of Seagirt and very happy to see these new arms finally registered!
Seagirt arms

Yours In Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

September 2019 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2020-01-09

Somewhat delayed by the holidays, the September 2019 Letter's arms for An Tir are now up. This Letter was published 1 December 2019.

Nine new devices, one changed device, and one name change.

The October letter, which was released about a week ago, should follow in the next week or so.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

August 2019 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2019-11-06

All An Tir items from the August 2019 Laurel Letter, released 4 Nov 2019, have been added to the Roll.

Six new devices, two changed devices including the new Arms of the Shire of Glyn Dwfn with their splendid pantheon rampant, and 6 administrative changes including name changes and reblazoning of older devices.
Glyn Dwfn arms

Yours In Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

July 2019 LoAR Added

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2019-10-09

All of the most recent registered arms for An Tir are now added to the Roll.

The last one was added this morning, 10 October.

Yours in Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge

A New Couronne Rouge Herald

Posted by Vémundr Syvursson on 2019-09-19

Greetings, An Tir!

I have the honour of being our Kingdom's newly appointed Roll of Arms Herald, appointed by Black Lion just last week.

Baroness Ana de la Sara, Dexter Gauntlet Herald (Order of Precedence) has been covering both roles until now, and I'll keep working very closely with her as I learn my new position.

If you have any questions, corrections, new submissions, or want to help out, please contact me at

Yours In Service,
Vémundr Couronne Rouge
Barony of Seagirt
Pily barry argent and azure

So long and thanks for all the ... fish?

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2018-12-13

Well, it's been a long time coming, but I am finally stepping away from the Roll of Arms. It's been over a decade since I started this site at the request of Black Lion Marco Valentino. I was also to step up as Black Lion after him as well. I kept at the Roll for much longer than I expected, simply because it fit two of my interests web coding, and Heraldry. I've always been a book herald at heart, so it has always been a joy to see my work on the Roll showing up all over the kingdom in the form of increased heraldic display. It hasn't always been easy to keep it up to date, and lately I've fallen very far behind due to work, life, family, etc.

So, it's time to hand off the reins. Black Lion Marya Kargashina has found someone to take the task on and I will be stepping away. I will be helping out with the transition as best I can, and I have every confidence that the site and Roll will continue to be a value to the kingdom. Thanks for all the support over the years, and keep showing off your heraldry at events! (That was what dragged me, seeing all the banners, shields and flags everywhere at events, it just looked SO COOL!)

Frederic Badger

Jan 2017 Letter Added

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2018-02-26

Working my way thru the backlog still.

December 2016 LoAR

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2018-02-04

The registered heraldry for An Tir for December 2016 Laurel letter is up, mainly due to the help of Katla again.

October 2016

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2018-02-03

October 2016 Laurel Letter has been added with a lot of help from Katla járnkona.

November 2016

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2018-02-02

November 2016 Laurel Letter has been added. Art was provided by Katla járnkona in many cases.

Updated the Roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2017-03-18

September Laurel Letter has been added.

Another update, another month added

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2016-10-03

Roll of arms is up to date through the July 2016 letter, which is at the time of writing the latest.

updated and up to date through 6/16 letter.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2016-09-19

Another update, and caught up all the way to the latest letter of accepted devices from Laurel Sovereign of Arms.

New Browse Page! Populace Badges!

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2016-08-08

I was tinkering with the code the other day, and added a new way to view the Roll. By Populace Badge! Not every branch has one, or at least has not told me theirs, but those that are available I link to the entry (based on OP location data). Just another fun way of looking at the data. You can find this page under Browse the Roll.

Appledore populace badge linked...

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2016-07-30

Thanks to a herald letting me know that Appledore has a populace use badge, so I linked it. Any other branch populace use badges I can add?

Added the Wealdsmere Populace badge.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2016-07-23

I found the populace badge for Wealdsmere, and added it to the DB. Because of the links between the OP and the Roll, I can identify the home branch, and add a populace badge to the page of the Arms. The list currently contains Madrone, Aquaterra, Lions Gate, Blatha an Oir, Borealis, Dragons Laire, Dragonsmist, Glymme Mere, Montengarde, Stromgard, Wyewood, St. Bunstable, Glyn Dwfn, Midhaven, Terra Pomeria, Fire Mountain Keep, False Isle, Three Mountains, Hartwood, Valley Wold, Wastekeep and now Wealdsmere. If I am missing one please let me know.

Three Letters added to the Roll of Arms.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2016-07-02

Feb March and April letters are up, all current and up to date.

January Letter added to the Roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2016-05-24

Next up February 2016 acceptances to be added.

December 2015 LoAR added

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2016-03-25

Just added some more armory to the roll from the latest letter. Also, the Barony of Wastekeep registered a populace badge, so I added it to display with those arms known to belong to Wastekeep.

Roll of Arms up to date, and Gremlins...

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2016-02-28

Ok, caught up on the latest letter so we're up to date again. However, it looks like Gremlins got into the database and corrupted some letters. I think is one of the code updates, somehow things got messed up for special characters. Not sure how that happened, but now I've got the task of going through and fixing them all manually. If you see a name or blazon with a funky little diamond shape, and question mark, not to worry I will eventually get to fixing it. No need to tell me.

Back on and working...

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2016-02-26

So, funny story about hard drives... actually, not that funny. Anyway, my laptop where I do all my Roll work decided to crap out. Luckily I have everything backed up, it was just losing all my program set ups, and the hard drive itself. I got a new hard drive and finally got all my programs working again so I will be updating the roll again. I just uploaded a half dozen or so, and will get the rest in the coming days.

LoAR through 08/15 posted tonight

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2016-02-01

I've got a little more work to do, but the rest should be up over the next few days.

Updated arms from the 07/15 LoAR.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2015-11-15

Added eight new arms from the 07/15 LoAR. Updates to the Roll will be slightly delayed from time to time through the end of the year as this is my busy time at work.

The Avacal Roll of Arms is up!

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2015-06-28

I recently helped the Avacal College of Heralds build their own Roll based on the code of the An Tir Roll of Arms. Check it out at It's still a work in progress, but it's off to a good start!

Roll of Arms updated....

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2015-06-27

I just added the latest registered arms from the May, 2015 Letter from Laurel.

Baronial Pages get an update

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2015-06-10

I dipped into the well again, and improved the synchronization between the roll and the OP. For each branch that has a Baron/Baroness I link to their arms on the page. I will hopefully extend this to the principality pages as well.

Branch Populace Badges!

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2015-06-07

Just added a new feature, Populace badges. If the OP knows where a person is located, the Roll will display the populace badge for that branch (if the branch has one registered and in use.) This is a new feature, so if you see one missing please let me know. If you have the wrong populace badge, please contact Dexter over at the OP to update your current branch affiliation. Also, I've been doing a lot of work under the hood so to speak to update code, and make it easier to update. Nothing you would notice, but it's running much more smoothly now trust me.

Master of Defense added

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2015-06-03

I added the link in the Browse by Awards page for the new peerage, Master of Defense.

Complete through January 2105 letter.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2015-03-15

We are now up to date again through this most recent letter.

Complete through December 2014 letter.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2015-02-12

I just completed the December 2014 on the site.

Updates to the Roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2015-02-07

Finally got my new laptop set up for doing the roll the way I want. My old laptop finally gave up the ghost just before the holidays, so I got myself a nice Xmas present of a new laptop. I had to resinstall and set up all my tools and processes to do the roll the way I like, and that took a bit. So, you should be seeing updates more frequently now, and I just added several backlog letters and emailed requests today.

A little behind

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2015-01-28

As you probably noticed, the roll of arms is a bit out of date. A combination of the Holidays, and a very hectic mundane work schedule has me behind in updating the Roll. I hope to be caught up soon, so I should be getting to all the emails and requests in the near future. Sorry for any delays.

All caught up

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2014-05-27

Finally caught up on the backlog, and added a few missing imports.

Two more letters added

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2014-05-18

Added two more LoARs to the roll, and catching up on the backlog.

Some miscellany updates

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2014-05-17

Caught up on some email correspondence and fixed a few errors, and out of Kingdom transfers. More to come as I work through the backlog.

Another long overdue update.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2014-04-07

Another long overdue update. Finished July and August LoAR, and updated a bunch of name changes from recent letters. I am set up and grinding through the backlog now. Your humble herald was beset by a series of events including the Holidays, and a change in work position and workload. Things will be back on track again soon.

Roll Updated through June Loar

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2013-08-23


Posted by Frederic Badger on 2013-08-20

The roll of arms was defaced by a hacker recently, I've fixed all the damage from a back up and modified the security. However, they are probably more clever than I am so if you see something funky with the site please let me know right away. Thanks go out to Adrianna and Matilda for the quick notification! Also, while I have your attention, I've got two LoAR to add this week, sorry for the delay, I was on vacation, and had big work deadlines when I got back, like ya do. This week or next should have them up.

Updates for the new year

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2013-07-17

Added arms from 1 and 1/2 letters of acceptance. Plus some new imports to the kingdom. Several letters still to go.

April letter added.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2013-06-06

The roll of arms is up to date again through the latest Laurel Letter.

March 2013 Letter added to the Roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2013-05-03

The Roll of Arms is up to date through the most recent Laurel Letter marked March 2013.


Posted by Frederic Badger on 2013-05-03

I was messing around with something, and accidentally cleared some of the name data. I was able to restore all the data, but there might be a few minor things wrong. If you see an error, please let me know. Most likely error would be a recent name change. Pro tip for you kids out there, back up your data frequently!

February 2013 Letter added to the Roll.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2013-04-03

The Roll of Arms is up to date through the most recent Laurel Letter marked February 2013.

January 2013 Letter added to the Roll.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2013-03-03

The Roll of Arms is up to date through the most recent Laurel Letter marked January 2013, plus one name change to reflect a paperwork error corrected.

All caught up!

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2013-01-22

The Roll of Arms is up to date through the latest Laurel Letter, November 2012.

December 2012 Letter added to the Roll.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2013-01-22

The Roll of Arms is up to date through the most recent Laurel Letter with submissions from December 2012.

Up to date through October LoAR

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2013-01-20

Complete through October Letter of Acceptances and Returns. Will be working through the rest of the Backlog over the next few weeks.

April 2012 LoAR added

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-06-16

Added two new registered arms to the roll from the April LoAR, and updated the Blazons for a bunch due to changes at Laurel for blazoning crescents. Roll is up to date.

March 2012 LoAR added

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-05-06

Added three new registered arms to the roll from the March LoAR, and reblazoned one device. Roll is up to date.

Latest LoAR up to date

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-04-08

Just finished the latest Laurel Letter, which consisted mostly of reblazons, and name changes. One name change resulted in a new entry being added. Up to date.

A huge thank you and new Award listings

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-02-29

I wanted to publicly thank the heralds list for helping connect a bunch of arms to their OP listings, especially Alicia le Wilfulle who contributed a huge amount of research time. Also, I extended a new bit of functionality in connection the Roll and OP, by creating Rolls for some Kingdom level awards. I will work on adding all Kingdom orders, but for now you can see a Roll for Lions of An Tir, Chivalry, Laurel, Pelican, most Grant level awards and AoA. Check here to browse the Award Listings or click on link on an individuals page. Also, up to date through the latest LoAR.

Roll of Arms up to date, and new feature...

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-02-25

Finally all caught up to the most recent Laurel letter of Acceptances. I just finished adding: 03/2011, 04/2011, and 05/2011 and also added a new browse type page for finding people missing a connection to the OP. There are a lot of people who have registered arms, and have an OP entry but are not connected because the names do not match exactly. Please take a look through the Missing OP Connections page and see if you can locate any connections that need to be made. Just contact me and let me know what OP entry they are to be associated with and I will make the connection.

Letters 11/2010 - 01/2011 added

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-02-22

A new batch of Arms posted to the roll with three Letters from Laurel added, next up are LoAR 03/2011, 04/2011, and 05/2011. Also fulfilled a request to place one device on a Lozenge instead of the standard Heater shape. If you'd like it on a lozenge or a circle instead of the standard shape, please let me know I am happy to accommodate.

Roll of Arms up to date through most recent LoAR 12/2011

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-02-20

Finally caught up on the back log of entries, and the Roll of Arms is up to date. If you see any missing items, please let me know and I will make sure to add them quickly.

Roll of Arms NOT up to date through most recent LoAR 12/2011

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-02-20

I just discovered a batch of LoAR from Laurel that I missed. Bad Herald, no bisquit! 7/2010 - 1/2011 I will be adding those in the next update as I find the time. Sorry about that, I'm in groove now so it should not take too long.

More catching up done tonight

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-02-20

A whole bunch of new Arms posted to the roll with three full Letters from Laurel added, next up are LoAR 11/2010, 12/2010, 01/2011 and 03/2011

Brand new feature for the Roll of Arms: Branch Listings!

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-02-14

As I work on further integrating the Roll of Arms with the data from the OP, I cobbled together a way to display branch information for registered arms (if there is any OP information). I also can show a page with all the arms from a single branch! Try out the new Browse by Branch feature!

Arms from 08/2011 letter added plus lots of others

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-02-13

Another batch of Arms were added to the roll, slowly catching back up. Also I went through and added quite a few changed, or imported from out of Kingdom residents. I'm currently about 3 letters behind, but all the updates are taken care of. I made some additions to the code by request to put up an image for a Grey Goose Shaft, and White Scarf in the list of Grant level awards.

Arms from 09/2011 letter added.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-02-13

More catching up done tonight, another letter this one from the September 2011 Letter of Acceptances and returns. I one big letter from 11/2011 to go, as well as a single entry from 12/2011 and I'll be caught up as far as the Accepted devices are concerned.

Arms from 06/2011 and 07/2011 added

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-02-12

The Roll have been updated, with two full letters. I've had to rewrite a ton of code to try and prevent another hacking. More letters to come soon.

Roll of Arms updates coming soon...

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2012-01-08

Yeah, I am a bit behind on the updates, I know. Life kind of got in the way, and the with Hacking of the site I had to remove all my scripts that I manage the site with so it a little more difficult to update. I'm working on clearing the back log of additions, and fixes soon. thanks for your patience.

Site Hacked

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2011-06-15

The Site got hacked recently and some of the database entries were changed. I've gone through and fixed what I can find, but if any one sees anything odd, please email me and I will fix it. I am also going to be fixing the issue quickly to prevent this happening again.

May 2010 Letter added..

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2011-05-12

As promised I've started work on catching up with my back log of arms to add to the Roll. Starting with May 2010.

Not dead...

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2011-05-10

I'm not dead, but I did have a major extended attack of life. I am working on updates currently, and will be posting new content soon.

LoaR Updates part 2

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2010-11-02

Caught up on some updates to the tune of about 14 new entries fixes and updates. I also worked my way through part of my back log of LoAR entries, and still have a couple to go. I know I am behind but I am making really good progress and have added close to 50 entries in the last couple days. I will keep working on it though as I really want to catch back up and get to doing closer to when they come out. Thanks for your patience.

LoaR Updates

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2010-10-31

Just catching up on a few letters from back there a bit. I'm catching up a little bit at a time, and I have two new LoAR entered and posted. More to come in the coming evenings.

Even more backend code updates

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2010-09-19

I've been working on the back end code more. I needed to fix up the code that integrates with the OP, and I created a number of small tools to help me edit and keep the connections up to date. Things should be working a lot smoother now, but it still remains a mostly manual process to connect someone to their OP entry. If your registered name matches your OP entry name exactly though, it will get updated automatically! Also, speaking of manual, if you want to help me connect people to their OP entries, check the Missing page for names that might connect to someone in the OP, and get me the link to their OP entry (not their OP rank, just their name on the OP or link to the page).

Some code updates

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2010-07-13

Had a great time at KWHSS, it was good to be among heralds again. I made a couple updates to the code recently to make it more likely that the OP information will show up, and to finally format the dates in a nice way. Regarding the OP, if your name is registered different than what you use, or what is in the OP it might not show up in either. Names needs to match to be linked, or we need to manually add a link between your names. If you want to link an OP entry and a Roll entry, please email Dexter or myself and ask that your registered name be added to your entry as an AKA. More work is being done on the Roll/OP integration.

Two LoAR added, OP Integration on Hold.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2010-06-09

Added two new letter of Accepted devices. I have two more to go. The integration with the OP is kind of on hold. I got flooded with data, and I got slammed at work at the same time. Don't worry, I will keep working on it. I will also be coming down to KWHSS this weekend believe it or not.

New Letter added

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2010-03-07

Just added the LoAR for 2009/11/01, and have one more to go to get caught up. Working on lots of new features for the roll, and integrating with the OP more fully. It will be a work in progress for a while, so bear with me.

Beta moved up a notch!

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2010-02-14

I just changed beta 2.1 to 2.2 because we've started a new feature set. I say we because I am working with the webteam on the OP to integrate the new OP and the Roll since they are on the same server now. I have a basic proof of concept working, but it must be an exact match between registered (roll) name and OP name. Right now it is just a link to the OP when it matches, but I will keep on working on the integration.

Moving Day!

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2010-01-23

The site has moved (finally) to An Tir Heralds site. I (Frederic Badger) will still be keeping the Roll up to date, it will just live on the An Tir Heralds site.

Up to date through 2009/07 LoaR

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2009-12-05

More updates, just added two LoAR, including the big 07/09 letter. Two more letters come in the next week or so.

Up to date through 04/09 LoaR

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2009-08-09

Finished the rest of the February items, and added the newest April LoaR's. The Roll is up to date, and just passed 2000 entries!

Made a bunch of updates today

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2009-07-12

Sorry things have been slow to update, but I've gotten to some of the updates, additions and requests sent in. Next up is the February LoAR and it's a big one!

06/08 - 07/08 LoAR added. Catching up.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2009-02-21

06/08 - 07/08 LOaRs added to the roll. Finally catching up after the holidays and a crazy busy period at work. More to follow in the coming days.

Added through 11/08 LoAR and now caught up.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2009-02-21

Big batch of additions added spanning a couple of months of Acceptances, finishing up all the back due.

Added through 01/09 LoAR.

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2009-02-21

Added January LOAR, and working on February soon. Other edits have gone up as well.

04/08 LOaR added to the roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2008-09-14

Updated the Roll through 04/2008 LoAR, and is currently up to date. I also got through some of the backlog, and found a few items that I had lost in my inbox. I got caught up on a lot of those, and figured out a much nicer way of tracking requests.

05/08 LoAR added to the roll, plus some updated arms

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2008-09-14

Updated the Roll through 05/2008 LoAR, and is currently up to date. This update includes some updates as well including removing one duplicate entry, updating someones artwork and adding another older arms whose art I needed, and marked a couple laurels. Marking the peerages is done by hand, and is not automated to my liking. At some point, no promises when, I'll get it integrated into the OP, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

03/08 LoAR added to the roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2008-08-05

Updated the Roll through 03/2008 LoAR, and is currently up to date.

Caught up!

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2008-06-01

Holy crap, did I really fall that far behind? Apparently so, but now I'm caught up to the current LoAR, and lots of new entries added to the roll.

September 2007 LOAR added to the roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2008-01-05

First update of two thousand and eight. Updated the Roll through 09/2007 LoAR, and is currently up to date. This includes the new branch arms of Grimwithshire.

October 2007 LOAR added to the roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2008-01-05

Updated the Roll through 10/2007 LoAR, and is currently up to date.

08/07 LOAR added to the roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-12-10

Updated the Roll through 08/2007 LoAR, and is currently up to date. Additionally I made a bunch of edits that had piled up (Laurel mandated reblazes, etc.) and added a few imports to the kingdom. Also, I added some features in this update. A new browse page, for browsing by contributor/artist. This field is not a hard and fast rule, the name listed is not always the artist, it's who I got the device image from usually, or who I know created the image. Since this is a bit confusing (it confuses me) I also updated the FAQ to added some information on it. I also changed the footer to show that credit was for the original web template which I used as a base for making this site.

July 07 LOAR added to the roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-11-26

Updated the Roll through 07/2007 LoAR, and is currently up to date. There are no registrations for An Tir for June.

May 07 LOAR added to the roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-09-02

Updated the Roll through 05/2007 LoAR, and is currently up to date

New history page

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-07-04

I've added a new history page to the roll, where you can see what was added to the roll on what date. It's not a very useful page, but it's a page I've been wanting to add for a while. It's sort of the same page as the Browse by Date Added page, but laid out in a different format, grouped by the dates arms were added to the Roll. Kind of crazy to see that the first batch got added to the database back in December 15th 2001! I will probably combine all the browse pages onto one page soon, or maybe I'll just do it now.

Roll of Arms is now Beta 2

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-07-04

I'm officially calling this latest update, Beta 2. I added a new browse history feature, rolled all the browse pages into one page, updated the search code to display the results graphically, and created a new back end news function. Comments on the new functionality and layout are welcome!

New Browse Feature

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-07-04

I'm on a roll! (pun intended). I just added a new browse feature back to the roll. Browse by sub category. Shows the Peerages, and Branch listings. I am thinking of adding the Lions of An Tir Honor as a sub category.

Changed Search Results Display

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-07-03

As per a request on An Tir Heralds list, I changed the search results to display the arms as well as the names. Name and Device searches do this, but I am hoping to make it optional later.

Fixed two Shamrock Errors

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-06-30

Updated the shamrocks for Mór ingen Fhaíltigern to four leaved as specified in the blazon, and changed Megan Althea of Glengarriff's shamrocks to the proper three lobed variety.

Updated Roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-06-19

Updated the Roll through 03/2007 LoAR, and is currently up to date.

Updated Web Template

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-06-09

Major update to the web design of the Roll. Based on a really nice template that I found. Credits for the original design are in the footer.

Search Page Update

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-06-09

I added search functionality for Blazon searches on the Search page.

Site Down

Posted by Frederic Badger on 2007-04-01

The roll of arms is down to a server move. The site is being re-written and will return soon. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

May 07 LOAR added to the roll

Posted by Frederic Badger on 0000-00-00

Updated the Roll through 05/2007 LoAR, and is currently up to date